Monday, February 13, 2006


Last Saturday after my Academic Writing Course, on my way to church for Youth service, I was caught in a heavy traffic at the HI-Roundabout (Bunderan HI). It is not normal to have a heavy traffic on weekends, I wonder. Well finally I passed the HI-Roundabout and I saw a huge crowds with flags and banners. They were demostrating on the very sensitive issue to Denmark and European countries, well u know whats all about...I managed to take some pictures from my car though...


Hendrik Christian said...

gile loe, berani juga keluarin barang buat moto. ntar diminta gimana loe?

Parlin said...

iya sih, gue sebenernya agak cemas juga, mana macet jadi kan jalannya pelan...tapi untungnya kaca mobil gue agak gelap. tadinya gw mau ngeluarin kamera, tapi gk sempet jadinya pake HP aje...makanya photonya gk gitu bagus..dan agak biru kan soalnya diambil dari dalem mobil...hihihi..