Have you ever experience this before...Well I just did it last weekend. Last weekend I was supposed to accompany my little sister to buy a 2nd hand Mobilephone. When we found the perfect handphone for her, i got into talking with the shop attendant. And I ask about the Motorola V3i price. And after a long discussion she finally show me the v3i and i kinda like it. In the end i trade my dad's phone for the v3 i, and my brother took my phone and pass his phone to my dad. I was quite happy to get a good deal and a good phone. But soon i realize that this phone has less function then my last P910i. The worst thing is that i cannot sync and use it as a remote for my mac...Totally sad...bu i have to take because i have made the decission...A lesson to learn, impulsive buying always not good....
But wait a minute, check out this RAZR killer by Sony Ericsson. This sexy designed in Singapore phone, called Black diamond, has an amazing 4 megapixel camera and still able to maintain its slim design, awesome diet...And according to gizmodo.com, this phone will have a very cool OLED borderless screen...drooling....:D

yg bener itu:
A lesson to learn, impulsive buying is not always good.... bukan always not good :)
Jadi elo beli HP buat ade elo kagak??? Jangan2 elo doang lg yg beli =P
hendrik => iya nih, maklum di indo kita gk pake bahasa inggris...jadi agak2x kaca bahasa inggrisnya...:D
Bear => hehehehe...jadi lah bt adek gw...padahal adek gw masih kelas 4 sd, dulu gw pake hp baru second year uni loh...hahhahha...jaman emang sudah berubah..dan hp gw sebelumnya gw wariskan ke adik gw yg kuliah..:D
Hahaha... Sony ericsson yg baru keren bow... Kapan keluar ya??? hmm...
ini cm concept phone sih ric...tapi gk tau d bakal diproduksi apa kagak...soalnya setipis itu masa kameranya 4mp, sedangnkan nokia n series aja yg 2 mp aja gedenya sebagong...tp kl ada pasti mahal bgt nih bro...gk kuku...heheheh...
Hahaha... Ok d... Kita tunggu aja. Kl2 aja keluar. Technology kan cepet man sekarang. =D
iya bro...teknologi cepet banget sekarnag, kayanya sekarnag ini life time untuk HP udah less than 1 year d...begitu hp ini keluar, less than one year generasi terbarunya udah keluar...capek gk sih..hehehhe
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