I took a plane on wednesday evening and arrive in Jakarta around midnight. The next day, thursday, I had a barbecue party with my church friends at Karawaci, in Pak Roy's House. I was amazed with the house, awesomeeeee....During the barbecue we also had a few games. And my group was the winner....horay....I'll update the pictures later.
On friday I spent the whole day at office, even though it is holiday...since I got nothing to do, I just went to the office to update my work so that I can start a bit relax on monday. After that I went to buy Handphone...I'm getting a new CDMA phone, because CDMA call rate is much cheaper...its only Rp 1388 per hour...huehehehe...so I got my selt a Nokia 2115, a small and cute phone...alah...
On saturday I had a seminar about "Man in the mirror". Its a men seminar about how should we behave as a man in the family, working place and church. It was a great seminar. During the seminar i was tricked, cause I did not realize that it was 1st of april...THE APRIL MOP...hehehehe
On sunday as usual, church, church and church...
Well thats my weekend...back to work now...

Hip hip Horray...ini abis main games di air..

yang ini juga abis pada cebur2xan..hehehe

Winning Eleven competition
iya ric, kan kamis hari raya nyepi...jadi jumat tuh kejepit, karena ketidakbijaksanaan dari management, maka semuanya diliburkan tapi annual leave dipotong..membetekan gk sih..yah tapi tetep aja gw masuk kantor, soalnya kerjaan 2 minggu gw tinggalin kesurabaya, jadi numpuk...itung2x nyolong start buat minggu depannya...hehehhe...
yah gimana juga ric, daripada dibiarin numpuk malah pusing mendingan dikerjain dulu lah, toh hasilnya weekdays ini kerjaan masih tetep numpuk..hahhaha...
kerjaan ok ok aja so far ric..business is good in the beginning of the year, I hope it will keep going until end of this year...future...hmmm rencana ngambil S2 ric, ngikutin elu lah..hehehhe..tp gw mau ngambilnya MBA ric, doain yee...hehehhe...lu kapan lulus S2?mau ambil S3 lagi?
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