Finally yesterday i watched the Davinci Code, and u know what, the cinema was already full 2 hours before the show start..well u know in jakarta u can't do online booking so i have to go down to the cinema to buy the ticket.
I felt the movie was not so scary after all...and at the end of the movie, langdon "tom hanks" said that he actually believe in Jesus and he said that he prayed to Jesus when he was sinking down the well...and He also said that it all depends on your beliefs. For me, It doesn't really make sense if Marie magdalene was pregnant but no record found about her pregnancy and it is alos amazing that the secret can be coverred for a very long time. Anyway, the movie was so long, almost 2.5 hours....
Coming soon also there is going to be a movie called The Omen 666, well u can guess from the title what will be the story about. I also heard from a friend that this coming 06 june 2006 (666) there's gonna be one great women leading uni-europe and she will be the starting of the Anti-christ. So scarry...
I guess this is where we have to stand up for our faith and be stronger....
anyway, i have a good link that you can view here about Davinci code.
bukannya apa yg diblg langdon di akhir cerita (kalo it depends on your belief) itu posmo bgt ya =P
jadi malah bikin tambah kacau aja hehe krn kata2 kaya gt ga ada tuh di bukunya
hahaha...iya sih, tapi at least diakhir cerita itu jadi bikin ceritanya jadi netral lagi dan TIDAK menyimpulkan bahwa sebenernya si cewe itu (lupa gw namanya) keturunannya Tuhan Yesus. Tapi yah gue rasa filmnya agak kepanjangan...dun u think so..
iya sih itu gue rasa benernya untuk "meredakan" keadaan tapi malah bisa menimbulkan bahaya lain *emank ga ada abisnya haha*
masa sih kepjgan ya? g baca bukunya sih jadi ok2 aja haha... the omen tuh ceritanya bakal gmn ya... kayanya seru jg hehe
yah memang film ini banyak kontroversinya...makanya laku keras, emang dasar pinternya si dan brown aja bikin2x cerita aneh...
nah Omen 666 itu katanya sih tentang angak kecil yang jadi anti-christ...kayaknya seru juga nih..tapi gk ngerti d ini ceritanya gimana...tapi gue kayaknya bakalan nonton d...
The Omen itu kan remake. Dulu dah ada tuh. Anak kecil yg jahat banget tuh. Ada 666 di kepalanya. Dulu waktu kecil, seinget gua seh agak2 serem tuh film.
yoi betul ric...itu cerita ttg anak kecil itu..emang filmnya genre nya itu horor..jadi pasti seryeeemmm...
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