After an hour of theory, everyone grabbed their own golf club and we were given 150 balls to try out our swing at the driving range. My first few tryouts was suck, my swing always missed and didn't hit the ball at all. The club is not as light as i imagine, its actually kinda heavy. I managed to hit some good shot, and the furthest was about 100ft away. Its kinda interesting actually, especially when you know how to play..hehehhe..
After the game we head our way to Plaza senayan and had our late lunch there. After lunch we went to bowling alley. And again it was not my lucky day, cause I can't even reach 100 point for my first game.
After the game, I went for a dinner in bakerz-in to eat Sop-buntut. And then continue to the movie theater to watch MI-3. The movie was fantastic...
Wow, sounds like a great time you have. Hohoho... Golf ya? Not interest me that much. But, can try for once at least. Hahaha...
good job!
ya lo, i also thought golf is not interesting at all, cause i dun see the challange in doing it...but once u try it, its kinda hard actually...and thats where u start to like it...dan juga driving range murah kok ric ternyata, untuk lu dapet 100 bola cuma 30 ribu..tapi stick nya bawa sendiri, yang mahal itu peralatannya aja..sama lah kayak diving..tapi emang lebih fun diving sih...:D
Hahaha... Banget man... Just love diving. Equipmentnya mahal juga tuh diving. Hihihi... Pusing gue... =S
iya nih, hobby yang enak kayaknya mahal2x smua yah..payah d..gw ketinggalan banget nih tapi untuk diving, bisa2x nanti pas ketemu diving sama elu, elu uda rescuer gw masih ngulang open water lagi...hahahha..
Hahaha... Kagak lah... Dah advanced mungkin. =D But Rescuer, I'll think about it first.
Yah emang sulit kl punya hobby mahal. Mo pergi tapi ndak ada uang... Hiks...
makanya ric hobby yang murah2x aja, misalnya jogging (ke gym), berenang (dikolam renang pribadi), atau mancing (dilaut pake yacht pribadi)..hahhahaha..yah sekali2x gk papa lah ric, namanya juga hobby kan sekali2x aja...kalo udah tiap hari namanya bukan hobby...:D
Hahaha... Yoi... Pergi diving jg sekali2... Dua bulan sekali paling =P Hahahaha... Banyak ya kayaknya... Hua... Kl tiap hari mah bukan hobby lg lin, proffesional kl. Huhuhu...
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