Farewell Party
Originally uploaded by Parlin's Picture Gallery
Today is the last day for our Korean-sensengnim Ms. Ikapnam Farewell to Ms. Ikapnam-이갑남 to be in the class.Next month she will leave Korea for china to teach Korean to the Chinese. So we arrange a little farewell party for our teacher.
Yesterday we; me, Sherif (Egyptian), Fangliang(Chinese) and Andrea(Australian), went to the local supermarket, E-mart, to get some snacks and beverages for the party. We also went to get some gifts for our teacher. It took us sometime to decide what gifts to get, but Andrea's friend has an idea to get a tea set. So we finally decide to get a tea-set and also a set of flavored tea. Andrea also bought a pair of spoon from Jinju.
The party was held 5pm today, before our 6 o'clock class. But we end up with no class today. Tomorrow the new teacher will come.
I wish Ms. Ikapnam a happy life and success in China.
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