Along with the introduction of new iMac, Apple introduce the new iLife and iWork 08. As we already familiarize with iLife lovely function, Apple introduce and enhancement on this home creative application suite. The one that I love the most is the new iPhoto with its new "events" grouping, it makes me easier to group my photo collection without having to make new album all the time. So now you can have your album automatically done by the iPhoto, thats the reason you have a computer in the first place right....The next best thing is the "skimming", where you can browse through your photos in the events, with just hovering your mouse on the event photo. Its awesome....
The next best one and the completely changed is the iMovie, too bad I cannot get hands on, because it require mac with G5 or Intel, and I cannot use it with my Powerbook G4. But if I see the demo, it is really awesome and easier to make a movie. Apple claim that with the new iMovie you can make your own movie in less than 30 minutes...
iWork,...hmmm..I'm not really a fan of iWork since I mostly use my Microsoft office on my mac. But now mac has its own spreadsheet-excell look a like-called "numbers". Now the iWork line is completed with Keynote, Pages and now Numbers.
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