Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thankful for 2007

It is almost end of the year, in 2more days we will come to a brand new year, 2008. We have passed through 365 days in 2007. We might have experienced a lot during this year. Good things, bad things, blessings or even struggle for something, whatever that is we have passed through it. Now it's time for us to look back and not regret for what we have or what we have done, instead we need to be thankful and be grateful for those.

For myself, this year has been the most amazing year for me. This year is like a turning point for me to start brand new life. First of all, this year I was married to a great, wonderful, amazing, lovely, and faithful woman, ARTHA MARGARETHA. This is so far the greatest blessings that I have in all of my life. The second blessings, we have decided to move to Korea to continue my study. This was a very hard decision for us, because moving to Korea means we have to start everything all over again and we don't have anything to start with, we only have faith. And God works through our faith, not only we have enough to start and continue our live here in Korea, but we have more than enough. God provide amazing ways and miracles for us here, and a lot of things that never came in to our mind happened here. Before we came here, my grandpa said "Don't pray to ask God for blessings but ask God to provide the blessings". Now I understand what he said. The third blessings for this year is my wife is pregnant with a baby boy. That means next year there will be three of us celebrating new year.
These are only some of the blessings that we have this year, there are a lot of other countless blessings and miracles that God has provided. And next year I already know one thing that God has provided me to start with, which is hope. And I believe there will be a lot of wonderful things and miracles that are waiting for us to be reached.

Have a happy and wonderful New year 2008

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