I was on my way to church yesterday for choir practice, and I was driving on the usual road from my office. Normally the traffic is not so heavy even during peak hours, at least I can still drive at 40km/hours. However something unusual happenned yesterday, the traffic was terrible. I simply stuck there and can't move. Its like 2km/hours only. I didn't know what happen, but I can see that it was a very long queue. I thought there was an accident or something. Well nothing much I can do, I can't make a u turn also cause I know other road will be even worst than this.
After about 45minutes, I reached the end of the traffic jam. And to my surprise the cause was flood....hah!!!!!...yes it was a flood, the water hike about 30cm. Vehicles have to reduce their speed, and a lot of motorcycles was brokedown and causing the traffic jam. It was horrible, It was like driving in a river...But Thanks God the flooded road was not that long, and I reached church on time. I managed to take a few pictures ..hehehehhe..

waktu itu dikantor gw sih gk ujan bro..tapi katanya didaeran ini ujannya deres banget sampe 3 jam...gk tua kenapa, akhir2x ini dijakarta sering banget ujan lokal and gede banget..padahal seharusnya sekarang tuh udah seharusnya musim kering..gk jelas d..hehehhe...
nah itu dia ric...soalnya waktu hari itu dikantor gw dihari yg sama ujannya cm gerimis, masa bisa banjir gitu...tpai katanya sih didaerah sana ujannya gede sampe 3 jam..padahal jaraknya paling 10km dari kantor gw...yah bgitula indo..unpredictable...:D
Hei,can u tell me where did u take these pic? I think I'm familiar to the street..Thanx
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