Great posting from Chimit's blog. I think all of us should have our own check list and quality measured in choosing your special one or your partner in life. These are some points, which I also think it is important to have:
- He/she must bring us nearer to God, not further.
- He/she must put God first, and help us put God first, and don't mind to be put second.
- He/she must be supportive towards our hobbies/interest.
- He/she must be willing to be there when we need him/her.
- He/she must be nice, tender, loving, and caring (TLC for short).
- We can talk about almost anything with him/her.
- He/she doesn't get in the way of our job, friendship, family, etc.
- Just a thought of him/her makes ourself feel so happy.
- We can be our true self when we are with him/her.
- We are proud to mention his/her name to others.
- We must be able to bear him/her at his/her worst (time, mood, anger, look, etc. you name it)
- Both person must enjoy being in each other's company, and doesn't feel embarrassed when "spotted" together by friends.
- We do think that he/she is Mr/Miss Right
- He/she completes us and what we lack, in many ways.
- We must sincerely think that we can marry him/her in the future.
- And lastly, of course, the emotional pull and the chemistry must be there to get started, right? but the rest are needed to keep it moving
Another thing that I wanna add is that, after all the check list you might also wanna do a quality control..hehehhe..Engineers way of doing things...You can consult with your family, friends and your close one, they are like ur QC manager to check the quality and ensure that you get the best. And i believe each one of us has a perfect match out there. Not perfect by nature, but by process....
hmmmmm..... not by nature, but by process .... i like it :)
^_^...yup yup...it all comes by process...sometimes we only see the perfectness on our partner, but i believe what we should see is the potential of being perfect for us...she might be not perfect for others but for us she is perfect, she might also not perfect for us now, but by process she will be...
have u got one lin? =]
well everybody should have one...dun u think so?
btw instead of putting anonymous, you can choose other and write your name in the comment, so that i know how to answer u yah...hehehhe...
hahhaha...dasar lu ric, keppo juga lu yah..hehehehe..
Well gimana yah ric ngomongnya...hmmm kalo seumpama di friendster itu status masih complicated..hehehehe..alias gk jelas...ntar d kalo udah jelas gw kasih tau...
anak business gimana ric di NTU?apalagi udah ada anak arts kan?apa jangan2x sesama anak biotech lu yah?hehehehe gosip abis...:P
just call me miss anonymous.. haha. xp
hai miss anonymous..so what should i address u?ano?nymous?hehehhee...
cwnya di SG ya lin? =p
well at least i can guess that anonymous not from SG then..hehehe..:P..i can actually track the ip address..hmm should i do that..hehehhe..
I agree with u.. By process 1st then by nature follows.. =)
yup yup..miss anonymous, kok commentnya disini terus..comment di posting yang lain juga yah...:D
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