Nonton Spiderman 3..Finally...
Originally uploaded by Parlin's Picture Gallery.

Makan Es Krim..Yummy...
Originally uploaded by Parlin's Picture Gallery.

Antri Spiderman 3
Originally uploaded by Parlin's Picture Gallery.
This Weekend I went downtown. But actually I kinda lazy cause my friends wanna go there just for shopping and sight seeing. But since they told me there are a festival in downtown, so I decided to go. But when we get there, the festival was not so fantastic as the name. There was a lot of people but not much to see, only some booth selling some stuff and there is this stage, but I also dunno whats on that stage. Finally we decided to watch Spiderman 3. We get on the queue, and luckily there are 4 studios playing Spiderman 3 that day. So we get the ticket and watch it.
I really like the movie, a lot of actions and also Korean-drama like story. Its really thrilling and exciting to watch it. And I believe there is going to be the next Spiderman4, and I'm guessing Venom will still be in the next episode.
Anyway, its kinda expensive to watch a movie in this city. I have to pay 7000won(Rp. 70,000) for a movie, thats like twice of Jakarta's rate. And i have to say, the cinema quality is better in Jakarta. Next must watch movie will be Transformer, i think this will be a great one too. And I also see a commercial on the next Die Hard 4. Well so much to see....
Hehehe... Cheaper than here still. It's cost me 6.40pound to watch! Brp ya conversionnya? 15rb? So about Rp.100k Huaaa... Untungnya company gua kadang kasih discount 50% Yeah!!!
hehehehe...tp mungkin disono bioskopnya bagus ric..jadi wajar mahal.disini bioskopnya biasa bgt. apalg suaranya, masih bagusan di indo deh...
tp kl disini nomatnya tuh nonton pagi, pemutaran film pertama diskon 50%...hehehehhe..
di Masan ada Lotte cinema.. cuma 6000 trus dapet point (soalnya gw punya lotte membership card.. hehehe..)
wah lebih murah tuh bro...kata temen gw kalo nonton yang jam pertama, jam10an deh kl gk salah itu dapet diskon bos...kalo di lotte mungkin jg sama tuh...
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