토요일 아침에 10시 일어났어요. 그리고 실험실 갔어요. 점심 식사 후에 진구들랑 같이 봄 축제에 갔어요. 축제에서 갔으면 많이 사람은 왔어요. 그리고 같이 사랑길 갔어요. 사랑길에서 너무 아름다운 벚꽃 성장해요. 기분은 좋아요.
봄에 채일 좋아요. 날씨가 도운 도 춥지않아요. 어늘은 일요일마다 교희에 가요.
Last week i was so busy with my project and other stuff. However last Saturday we had a spring festival here in campus. Spring is the most beautiful period here in Korea. The weather is not so cold nor so hot, and also with all the cherry blossoms growing all over the campus. It was so beautiful day. Too bad the cherry blossoms only last for about 2weeks or so...
what a nice festival, Parlin i should contact you immediately if I want to make trip to Korea then....
jadi pengen kesana neh, hehehehe.... :D
sippp..kalo ke korea harus kasi kabar ya bro...gw dsini masih 1thun lg kok...
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