Last Thursday we went for our summer lab-membership training. This time we went to Juwangsan National park for hiking and fishing. We went there Thursday morning. It took 2hours to get to the national park. On the first day, we went to view the lake and fishing on a river. Unfortunately there wasn't many fishes there, so we could only caught 3small fishes. And then we went back to a small lodge to spent the night there. The next day we went hiking for almost 6 hours in Juwangsan national park. It was a beatiful view the mountains, forrest and waterfalls.
iya nih kyknya blm tepat aja waktunya bli DSLR,gw lg mau blajar2 dulu ttg photography nih, asik jg kayaknya dijadiin hobby..sementara pake kamera gw skarang masih cukup bagus hasilnya..
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat" Theodore Roosevelt
Wah mantap bro foto2nya...
Lebih mantap lagi kalau pake DSLR Nikon D40 yah...
iya nih kyknya blm tepat aja waktunya bli DSLR,gw lg mau blajar2 dulu ttg photography nih, asik jg kayaknya dijadiin hobby..sementara pake kamera gw skarang masih cukup bagus hasilnya..
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